TAKE NOTE TICKETS available starting Sunday for the next Young at Heart luncheon on Friday, February 21 at 11:30am! $15 per person at the Info Desk. CARPETS Thank you for your continued patience as carpets throughout the church are replaced. We are continuing to compile a list of people willing to help move office furniture (on-call basis) in the weeks ahead. Please sign up at the Info Desk to put your name on the list (you will not be expected to say YES every time there is a need). NEW Ladies Bible Study beginning Wednesday, February 5 (6:30-8:15pm) Linda H will lead an in depth look at the life of Jesus as told by Matthew. Come find out if there are any bits you might have missed in Sunday School or anything that will take on new meaning and application. All you need is your Bible and a notebook. We look forward to having you as a part of this terrific group of women! CONNEXION CAFE Monday, February 10 (7-9pm). Ladies, join us to hear Athena T’s beautiful and powerful testimony of how the sacrificial and active "GOD-love" in a family's journey helped them endure alcoholism, abuse, bankruptcy, and teenage pregnancy and eventually paved the way for repentance, salvation, forgiveness, and a legacy to last generations. VALENTINO'S DESSERT CAFE Friday, February 14 (6-9pm; come and go format). Plan to attend with your sweetheart, family, friends, growth group, or neighbours. Yep, it's that event where we shamelessly invite you to sign up to donate desserts and ingredients, then boldly ask you to attend Valentino's to purchase specialty beverages and sweet treats as our Senior High Youth serve us (fundraiser for OEFC Youth Missions Trip to Merida Mexico, August 10-18, 2025 to work with C-Quest). RIGHT NOW MEDIA is a great resource library with over 10,000 quality videos! You will discover video-based Bible studies and fantastic content from experts in the areas of marriage, parenting, finances and spiritual growth. Right Now Media also has wonderful videos for guiding and encouraging children. Email the church office, it's absolutely free! NEW ADDRESS? Please notify the church office with your new address if you've moved in the past year! Donation receipts will be issued by February 28, 2025. Interested in scheduled giving? Sign up to give by DEBIT or CREDIT (info on our website HERE or via the church app "Okotoks E-Free Church" in the App Store - credit card giving only). |
THIS WEEK @ OEFC Thursday, January 30 9:30-11:30am COFFEE & CRAFTING for adults 7:30pm ROOTED for Young Adults (post-high school). Follow us on Instagram. 7:30pm NEW Bible Study for Sr High guys at Chris' house! (Bi-weekly) Friday, January 31 7-9:30pm FRIDAY NIGHT YOUTH for Grades 7-12! (call the youth hotline for details 403-938-8888 or check out OEFC Youth on Facebook or Instagram) Sunday, February 2 - COMMUNION SUNDAY 9:15am WORSHIP SERVICE in the Fireside Room (traditional worship). Pastor Rob will be preaching on The Jealousy of God (Exodus 34:11-14). 10:15am PRE-SERVICE PRAYER in the Prayer Room to the right of the platform (Main Auditorium) 10:45am WORSHIP SERVICE in the Main Auditorium (contemporary worship). Pastor Rob will be preaching on The Jealousy of God (Exodus 34:11-14). NURSERY (0-36 months), PRE-SCHOOL (ages 2-3 and 4-5) and KIDS CONNECT (Grades 1-6) . Livestream available HERE Tuesday, February 4 6-7:15am FIRST WATCH NEW men's Bible study beginning on Ephesians (study guide available HERE). 9:30-11:30am LADIES BIBLE STUDY 6:30-8pm KIDS CLUBS for boys and girls in Grades 1-6. 6:30-8pm DIVORCECARE call the church office to register ($20) 403-938-3311 7pm ROOTED DEEPER Young Adults Bible study (Philippians) at Cimarron Vista Gardens. 7:30pm LADIES BIBLE STUDY at the home of Pam D (contact Pam if you want to join!) Wednesday, February 5 10am WEDNESDAYS IN THE WORD 6:30-8:15pm LADIES BIBLE STUDY - new study beginning on the Life of Jesus (Gospel of Matthew). All ladies are welcome to join! 6:30-8pm MENS BIBLE STUDY Thursday, February 6 9:30-11:30am COFFEE & CRAFTING for adults...bring your favourite project or just come for the coffee and conversation! 1-3pm GRIEFSHARE call the church office to register ($20) 403-938-3311 7:30pm ROOTED for Young Adults (post-high school). Follow us on Instagram. |
CHECK IT OUT! OEFC Library News A Million Little Choices by Tamera Alexander Claire Powell’s life is turned upside down when her husband admits to a “near affair.” But when Stephen accepts a partnership with an Atlanta law firm without consulting her and buys a historic Southern home sight-unseen―it pushes their already-fractured marriage to the breaking point. Discovering a diary from 1863 written by a pregnant woman with an abusive husband, Claire finds secrets long hidden that hold the power to bring God’s restoration. |
Looking Ahead SAVE THE DATE: OEFC's annual Missions Weekend, March 28-30 A Heart for the Harvest (Luke 12:34 "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."). Events for youth, adults, and families! More info to come in the weeks ahead. |
OUT & ABOUT RIDE FOR A REASON Registration is now open for this annual fundraiser for Southern Alberta Bible Camp's "All Aboard Fund" to send kids to camp! In person event on Saturday, June 21 in Lethbridge with 3 distances (1.2K loop, 34K route and 78K route). Or participate in the virtual option and ride or run between June 6 and 21. Register by Feb 28 to be a VIP! OKOTOKS SPEAKER SERIES FOR SENIORS (free) 1-4 pm at the Okotoks Seniors Club (more info HERE)
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