
OEFC News for January 16-25

SINGLE MOMS BANQUET Saturday, January 25 with guest speaker Dr. Tim Ehmann! Free registration for all single moms and their children. NOTE: this is an outreach event, so if you invite a single mom friend, please attend as well and plan to sit with her! There is a spot to indicate this on the registration form.

HOT DOG LUNCH The fundraiser for Hand in Hands (Dominican Republic) on Sunday brought in $2,200 in donations, and several people made connections regarding future service opportunities!

MOMCO for mothers of young children! Tuesday, January 21 (9:30-11:30am: with free childcare for ages 0-5...bring a snack for your kids; 6:30-8pm with no childcare.) Please use the South door entrance due to carpets being removed that day.

FINANCIAL UPDATE for December: Praise the Lord for His provision and for prompting His people to give generously!

CARPETS For the past number of years, the Finance & Property Committee has been aware of issues with the church carpeting, due to normal wear and tear as well as the high water table beneath the foundation. This concern has been addressed at past Congregational Meetings, and the FPC is delighted to announce that the cash is available to properly replace the carpet in the entire church building! Work will commence the week of January 19 and may impact how you enter the building...thanks for following signs posted in the weeks ahead.

CHURCH AGM Sunday, January 26 (7pm) Plan to join us for a round-table discussion as we look back with gratefulness, look around in wonder, and look ahead with faith. Everyone is welcome to attend; only church members may vote. Larry & Monica have applied for church membership. Please be in touch with Jack K if you have any comments or concerns.

FIRST WATCH invites all men to a 12-week study of Ephesians starting Tuesday, February 4 at 6am at Okotoks EFC (ending Tuesday, April 22). First Watch for men emphasizes community learning, accountability and prayer and endeavors to finish by 7:15am to allow for workday commutes. Coffee and donuts are supplied! Email Cameron O for more info or to sign up for the book order to be placed on Friday, January 17. You may order your own study guide on Amazon.

NEW ADDRESS? Please notify the church office HERE with your new address if you've moved in the past year! Donation receipts will be issued by February 28, 2025. Interested in scheduled giving? Sign up to give by DEBIT or CREDIT (info on our website HERE or via the church app "Okotoks E-Free Church" in the App Store - credit card giving only).

Thursday, January 16
9:30-11:30am COFFEE & CRAFTING for adults
7:30pm ROOTED for Young Adults (post-high school). Follow us on Instagram.

Friday, January 17
7-9:30pm FRIDAY NIGHT YOUTH for Grades 7-12! RANDOM FACTS NIGHT (call the youth hotline for details 403-938-8888 or check out OEFC Youth on Facebook or Instagram)

Sunday, January 19
9:15am WORSHIP SERVICE in the Fireside Room (traditional worship). Pastor Rob will be preaching.
10:15am PRE-SERVICE PRAYER in the Prayer Room to the right of the platform (Main Auditorium)
10:45am WORSHIP SERVICE in the Main Auditorium (contemporary worship). Pastor Rob will be preaching. NURSERY (0-36 months), PRE-SCHOOL (ages 2-3 and 4-5) and KIDS CONNECT (Grades 1-6). Livestream available HERE

Tuesday, January 21
9:30-11:30am MOMCO for moms of young children with free childcare (ages 0-5, please bring a snack for your child)
6:30-8pm KIDS CLUBS for boys and girls in Grades 1-6
6:30-8pm DIVORCECARE (facilitated by Julia B) call the church office to register ($20) 403-938-3311
6:30-8pm MOMCO for moms of young children (no childcare)
7pm ROOTED DEEPER Young Adults Bible study (Philippians) at 72 Cimarron Vista Gardens.
7:30pm LADIES BIBLE STUDY at the home of Pam D "What Happens When Women Say Yes to God" (contact Pam HERE if you want to join!)

Wednesday, January 22
10am WEDNESDAYS IN THE WORD adult Bible study led by Rob D
6:30-8pm LADIES BIBLE STUDY led by Linda H
6:30-8pm MENS BIBLE STUDY led by Jon H

Thursday, January 23
9:30-11:30am COFFEE & CRAFTING for adults...bring your favourite project or just come for the coffee and conversation!
1-3pm GRIEFSHARE facilitated by Marion D - call the church office to register ($20) 403-938-3311
7:30pm ROOTED for Young Adults (post-high school). Follow us on Instagram.
7:30pm NEW Bible Study for Sr High guys at Chris Y's house!

Friday, January 24
7-9:30pm FRIDAY NIGHT YOUTH for Grades 7-12! (call the youth hotline for details 403-938-8888 or check out OEFC Youth on Facebook or Instagram)
Saturday, January 25
5-7:30pm SINGLE MOMS BANQUET Free registration is still available HERE for all single moms and their children. NOTE: this is an outreach event, so if you invite a single mom friend, please attend as well and plan to sit with her! There is a spot to indicate this on the registration form.
OEFC Library News
When Your Way Isn’t Working by Kyle Idleman If you’re regularly feeling discouraged, frustrated, fatigued, or anxious, that’s a good indication that something in your life is out of sync. Drawing from John 15, Kyle offers a hopeful, biblical perspective on overcoming discouragement, distractions, fear, and isolation. Jesus told His disciples everything they needed to know to live a fruitful life: “stay connected to Me.”
Looking Ahead
Friday, February 14 Valentino's Dessert Cafe (6-9pm) Mark the date and plan to attend with your sweetheart, family, friends, growth group, or neighbours. Look for a sign up coming soon to donate desserts and ingredients, then bring $$ to the event to purchase specialty beverages and sweet treats as our Senior High Youth serve us (fundraiser for OEFC Youth Missions Trip to Merida Mexico, August 10-18, 2025 to work with C-Quest).
BLUE BRONNA WILDERNESS CAMP DINNER & PIE AUCTION on Saturday, January 18 (5:30pm) at Valley Ride Golf Course in Calgary. Tickets available HERE.

THANK YOU to those who generously gave your time to support the Salvation Army Kettle Campaign last year. Your dedication and commitment have made an incredible impact, ensuring to meet the needs of so many families in our community this Christmas. To celebrate your hard work and show our appreciation, you are invited you to a Thank You Event on Saturday, January 18 (2PM) at 117 2Ave SE, High River.

OPEN DOORS 2025 WORLD WATCH LIST 50 countries where faith in Jesus costs the most. Download your copy HERE to learn about and pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who face persecution around the world. An online event with Rev. Gary Stagg will be held HERE on Sunday, January 19 @ 7pm ET. Copies of the WATCH LIST are also available for viewing in the OEFC library and at the Missions Wall.

OKOTOKS SPEAKER SERIES FOR SENIORS (free) 1-4 pm at the Okotoks Seniors Club (more info HERE)
  • Wednesday, January 29 Foothills attorney Zach Warne of Dixon Legal will discuss all things Wills, Estates and Power of Attorney
  • Wednesday, February 5 Join Utilities Commissioner Julia Choluj and Town of Okotoks' Valerie Eklund to explore Alberta Utilities and Green Living. There will be lots of great information on how to understand your utility bill, choose a provider, read those contracts and save money!

MEN'S RETREAT at Southern Alberta Bible Camp, January 17-19 TOUGH AS NAILS. This is a weekend full of great food, challenging and inspiring teaching, and a chance to connect with men from across Southern Alberta. Register and choose one night, two nights, or Saturday only.

LADIES RETREAT at Southern Alberta Bible Camp, March 28-30 BLESSED ASSURANCE with speaker Lori Thiessen from Millar College of the Bible. The theme will focus on who God is and how He equips each one of us--no matter where our path goes--to seek and follow Him throughout our story. Hosted by the women of Bow Island EFC. More info and registration coming soon!