
OEFC News for March 20-29, 2025

BAPTISM SUNDAY Are you interested in being baptized on Easter Sunday in the 10:45am service? Please contact Pastor Steve for more information or to sign up!
MISSIONS WEEKEND March 28-30, join us for A Heart for the Harvest; this year's special project is to raise funds for an airplane for Africa Inland Mission Zambia!
  • FRIDAY NIGHT EVENT: register your household HERE for Taco in a Bag dinner (indicate if you need gluten-free or dairy-free), bouncy castle and other fun activities, and the opportunity to see your favourite Youth Missions Trip member get pied! Dinner and activities by donation; cash or credit card for some of the extras! Donations to Youth Mexico Team.
  • SATURDAY MORNING BREAKFAST: Come for the free breakfast, stay to hear from Stefan & Kaitlyn Schulz about the work they're doing in Calgary with Indigenous young adults pursuing employment, education or life in the city. Sign up for the breakfast and plan to donate to the weekend project (help purchase a plane for Zambia!).
  • SATURDAY AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES: something for everyone (families and individuals), including language learning, ethnic food tasting, and Jeopardy. No cost and no need to register. Want to make an ethnic dish (sample sizes for tasting)? Contact Monica D for more info or to sign up!
  • SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP (9:15am and 10:45am): Guest Speaker Brennan Dyck is passionate about fostering spiritual growth and community development. He brings nearly a decade of pastoral experience in Calgary to his current role as a Development Officer for Wycliffe Canada.
LADIES BIBLE STUDY (new) Beginning Tuesday, April 1 at 9:30am, join Hannah H in a study on the book of Ruth (Expect the Unexpected by Beth Defazio). Please contact Hannah if you want more info or would like to attend.
WELCOME EVENT You are invited to a "WELCOME TO CANADA" gathering for the Zafari family on Saturday, April 5 (2pm)! Consider making a one-sided scrapbook page (8.5x11 inch) of your family, along with words of welcome and encouragement for the Zafari family (pages will be compiled in a binder and presented on April 5). Heavier scrapbook paper is available at the Info Desk, and you can return your page to the Info Desk or bring it with you on April 5!
CONNEXION CAFE for all ladies on Monday, April 7 (7-9pm). Ladies, you know that you belong, but have you ever wondered where you fit in? Linda H will look at ways that we can find God-designed places (in communities where we already belong) that dovetail with how we live out our God-given uniqueness.
YOUNG AT HEART (55+) Tickets for the next luncheon are now available on Sundays at the Info Desk ($20). "Spring is Here" will be the theme on Friday, April 11 (11:30am).
GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE & COMMUNION - 7pm on April 18 for the whole family (no childcare) Please join us for this special service to remember our Lord's great sacrifice on our behalf.
PARKING & TWO SERVICES IN THE SANCTUARY As stage 1 of our plan to create more space in our parking lot and sanctuary, we are asking all staff, elders, and leaders to park in one of the designated sites (street parking on the West side of Westland Road across from Tim Horton's or FAIM parking lot--25 spaces--at 325 Woodgate Road). Once we have completed preparations, we will begin a second morning service in the sanctuary. Thank you again for making room for others as we surpass 90% capacity in the sanctuary. We will create more space with another service soon (details to follow)!
MISSION TO THE SHUSWAP with Mennonite Disaster Services - another disaster relief mission to the Shuswap is happening in May and June. To volunteer or for more info, contact Peter T.

Thursday, March 20
9:30-11:30am COFFEE & CRAFTING for adults...bring your favourite project or just come for the coffee and laughter!
1-3pm GRIEFSHARE call the church office to register ($20) 403-938-3311
7:30pm ROOTED for Young Adults (post-high school). Follow us on Instagram.
Friday, March 21
7-9:30pm FRIDAY NIGHT YOUTH for Grades 7-12! Call the youth hotline for details 403-938-8888 or check out OEFC Youth on Facebook or Instagram @oefcyouth
Sunday, March 23
9:15am WORSHIP SERVICE in the Fireside Room (traditional worship). Pastor Rob will be preaching on Genesis 12:1-13:18.
10:15 PRE-SERVICE PRAYER in the Prayer Room to the right of the platform (Main Auditorium)
10:45am WORSHIP SERVICE in the Main Auditorium. Pastor Rob will be preaching on Genesis 12:1-13:18. NURSERY (0-36 months), PRE-SCHOOL (ages 2-3 and 4-5) and KIDS CONNECT (Grades 1-6). Livestream available HERE.
6:30-8:30pm GRADE 10-12 GIRLS BIBLE STUDY
Tuesday, March 25
6-7:15am FIRST WATCH men's Bible study (Ephesians)
6:30-8pm KIDS CLUBS
6:30-8pm DIVORCECARE call the church office to register ($20) 403-938-3311
7pm ROOTED DEEPER Young Adults Bible study (Philippians) at 72 Cimarron Vista
7:30pm LADIES BIBLE STUDY (Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst) at the home of Pam D
Wednesday, March 26
6:30-8:15pm MEN'S BIBLE STUDY (Colossians)
6:30-8:15pm LADIES BIBLE STUDY (Matthew)
Thursday, March 27
9:30-11:30am COFFEE & CRAFTING for adults...bring your favourite project or just come for the coffee and conversation!
1-3pm GRIEFSHARE call the church office to register ($20) 403-938-3311
7:30pm ROOTED for Young Adults (post-high school). Follow us on Instagram.
7:30pm SR HIGH GUYS BIBLE STUDY at Chris' house! (Bi-weekly)
MISSIONS WEEKEND 2025 (March 28-30)
FRIDAY NIGHT EVENT: register your household for Taco in a Bag dinner (indicate if you need gluten-free or dairy-free), bouncy castle and other fun activities, and the opportunity to see your favourite Youth Missions Trip member get pied! Dinner and activities by donation; cash or credit for some of the extras! Donations to Youth Mexico Team.
SATURDAY MORNING BREAKFAST: Come for the breakfast, stay to hear from Stefan & Kaitlyn Schulz about the work they're doing in Calgary with Indigenous young adults pursuing employment, education or life in the city. Sign up for the free breakfast and plan to donate to the weekend project (help purchase a plane for Zambia!).
SATURDAY AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES: something for everyone, including language learning, ethnic food tasting, and Jeopardy. No cost and no need to register. Want to make an ethnic dish (sample sizes for tasting)? Contact Monica D for more info or to sign up!
SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP (9:15am and 10:45am): Guest Speaker Brennan Dyck is passionate about fostering spiritual growth and community development. He brings nearly a decade of pastoral experience in Calgary to his current role as a Development Officer for Wycliffe Canada.
Fatal Trust by Todd M. Johnson Ian Wells is a young criminal defense attorney struggling to build a Minneapolis law practice he inherited from his father while caring for a mother with Alzheimer's. Nearly at the breaking point, everything changes for Ian when a new client offers a simple case: determine whether three men qualify for over nine million dollars of trust funds. Ian warily accepts the job--but is quickly dragged deep into a mystery linking the trust with a decades-old criminal enterprise and the greatest unsolved art theft in Minnesota history.
SCHEDULED GIVING Interested in scheduled giving? Sign up to give by DEBIT or CREDIT (info on our website HERE or via the church app "Okotoks E-Free Church" in the App Store - credit card giving only).
RIGHT NOW MEDIA is a great resource library with over 10,000 quality videos! You will discover video-based Bible studies and fantastic content from experts in the areas of marriage, parenting, finances and spiritual growth. Right Now Media also has wonderful videos for guiding and encouraging children. Email the church office HERE, it's absolutely free!
BLUE BRONNA DESSERT NIGHT Sunday, March 30 (6-7:30pm) at High River Baptist Church. Live music, dessert, camp update, and and opportunity to give to the camp!
OILFIELDS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP annual Spring Breakfast - Thursday, April 3 at the Calgary Petroleum Club (7-8am; doors open at 6:30am). More info and tickets online. Guest Speaker: Tim Godwin from Hope Mission "Called, Equipped, Sent."
TEEN CHALLENGE CANADA --in support of the Alberta Men's Centre-- presents their 2025 Gala Banquet (dinner / program / silent auction) on Friday, April 11 at First Alliance Church. Tickets $80 each or table of 8 for $640. For more info, call 403-931-3501 x7424.
OKOTOKS SPEAKER SERIES FOR SENIORS (free) 1-3pm at the Okotoks Seniors Club (more info HERE)
  • Wednesday, April 9 - Join local realtor, Julie Perry, for a session on the real estate market and information that is relevant to seniors including helpful tips to if you are considering downsizing from a house to a condo, or if you are transitioning out of home ownership.