Okotoks Evangelical Free Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us on Sunday!
We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us on Sunday!
When we Meet
9:15am Traditional Worship in the Fireside Room
10:45am Contemporary Worship in the Main Auditorium
10:45am Nursery (0-36 months), Pre-School (2-5 years) and CONNECT (K-Grade 6)
What's a typical Sunday service like?
Our contemporary worship service (Main Auditorium) usually involves a band and a variety of songs. You might hear some on Christian radio but all of them point us to Jesus. Our traditional worship service (Fireside Room) is more intimate, usually with a piano and worship leader or a small team of singers. Different styles and volumes for different tastes. Don’t worry if you don’t know the songs… feel free to come and listen—or sing along with us as the songs become more familiar! The words are always on the big screens above the musicians. You may hear someone share how God has been working in their life, as well as a time of prayer for something or someone in the church, community or world. Finally, you'll hear a 30-40 minute message from the Bible that encourages and challenges us to keep our eyes on God.
How long is an average worship service?
Our services usually run between one hour and one hour and fifteen minutes in length.
What should I wear?
At OEFC you will find people in jeans and t-shirts or golf shirts, shorts, skirts, and even the odd suit.
What about my kids?
We want to offer kids a fun and safe environment to learn about Jesus. During our 10:45am service, NURSERY care is provided for children 0-36 months, PRE-SCHOOL children will sing, play games, and interact with each other as our teachers help them learn more about Jesus, and how He wants to walk with them through their lives. CONNECT is our program for kids in Kindergarten to Grade 6.
In the summer months (July and August) Kids in grades 1-6 are welcome to join their parents in the worship service to experience worship with their families.
What kind of protocols do you have in place to make sure my kids are safe?
When you drop your kids off, they will be checked in using our child registration system. You will be given a label with a unique code on it that corresponds to a code your child has. No one but you--or someone you designate--can pick up your child, and no one can get access to our children's ministry areas without clearance or a pickup label. We care about your children’s safety and security. Furthermore, all of our volunteers are trained in child safety and obtain a Vulnerable Sector/Criminal Records Check before being brought onto the team.
Where do I drop my kids off?
When you enter our main doors you can turn left to access the nursery (infants up to 36 months). For children ages 2 through Grade 6, turn right and head towards the back of the building (follow the signs). If you are visiting with us for the first time, we want to welcome you! Please come and talk with anyone at one of our information desks and they will help ensure your children are properly registered and orientated. For July and August, children in Grades 1-6 are welcome to sit with their families in the worship service.
How can I be contacted if my kids need me during the service?
When you register your child(ren) you will be asked to confirm your cell phone number. Should you be needed to attend to your child, you will receive a text.
What about my teenagers?
During our worship services, teenagers are invited to join us!
It's what being part of a community is all about!
Am I expected to give money?
The simple answer is no. We see giving of resources (finances, time, talents) being for those individuals and families who call OEFC their church home. If you are visiting, please do not feel any obligation to help provide for the ministries at OEFC.
At any point you desire to, we would be grateful for your investment. While many people choose to give to our church regularly from their bank account or credit card, others put cheque or cash in an envelope when the offering plate is passed or in the donation box at the back of the Main Auditorium or Fireside Room.
You have a coffee bar?
We do! Regular and decaf coffee and tea is always complimentary, and it's good!
For $3 our baristas will make you the best specialty coffee in town! We use Level Ground coffee for our specialty coffees. Yup, that's Direct Fair Trade.
What time does your worship service start?
9:15am TRADITIONAL SERVICE in the Fireside Room
10:45am CONTEMPORARY SERVICE in the Main Auditorium
How can I get connected to the church community?
You can reach our church office via email (office@okotoksefc.ca) or phone (403-938-3311). Staff emails can be accessed under the "About" menu button. On Sunday mornings you can speak with one of our volunteers at the Information Desk near the front doors. They can help you find the information you are looking for. During the week, community happens best in our Growth Group ministry, where you can meet with 8-12 others to continue your spiritual growth. Our Ministry to Women offers places of connection for women.
What does Evangelical Free mean?
The term "evangelical" comes from the term "evangel" and refers to the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus is at the heart of our faith and life and we want to encounter Him, love Him and share the good news that He has come to set all people free from the prison of sin, shame, condemnation and death.
The term "free" has to do with how we organize ourselves. Years ago in Scandinavia, state and church were enmeshed. All citizens--regardless of what they believed--were considered to be members of the church. The Free Church started from a belief that a relationship with Jesus based on biblical truth is the proper basis for our faith and membership in a local church. The term "free" also highlights the freedom each local church has to govern itself. We are an interdependent association of churches that desire to live for and proclaim the name of Jesus.
Our contemporary worship service (Main Auditorium) usually involves a band and a variety of songs. You might hear some on Christian radio but all of them point us to Jesus. Our traditional worship service (Fireside Room) is more intimate, usually with a piano and worship leader or a small team of singers. Different styles and volumes for different tastes. Don’t worry if you don’t know the songs… feel free to come and listen—or sing along with us as the songs become more familiar! The words are always on the big screens above the musicians. You may hear someone share how God has been working in their life, as well as a time of prayer for something or someone in the church, community or world. Finally, you'll hear a 30-40 minute message from the Bible that encourages and challenges us to keep our eyes on God.
How long is an average worship service?
Our services usually run between one hour and one hour and fifteen minutes in length.
What should I wear?
At OEFC you will find people in jeans and t-shirts or golf shirts, shorts, skirts, and even the odd suit.
What about my kids?
We want to offer kids a fun and safe environment to learn about Jesus. During our 10:45am service, NURSERY care is provided for children 0-36 months, PRE-SCHOOL children will sing, play games, and interact with each other as our teachers help them learn more about Jesus, and how He wants to walk with them through their lives. CONNECT is our program for kids in Kindergarten to Grade 6.
In the summer months (July and August) Kids in grades 1-6 are welcome to join their parents in the worship service to experience worship with their families.
What kind of protocols do you have in place to make sure my kids are safe?
When you drop your kids off, they will be checked in using our child registration system. You will be given a label with a unique code on it that corresponds to a code your child has. No one but you--or someone you designate--can pick up your child, and no one can get access to our children's ministry areas without clearance or a pickup label. We care about your children’s safety and security. Furthermore, all of our volunteers are trained in child safety and obtain a Vulnerable Sector/Criminal Records Check before being brought onto the team.
Where do I drop my kids off?
When you enter our main doors you can turn left to access the nursery (infants up to 36 months). For children ages 2 through Grade 6, turn right and head towards the back of the building (follow the signs). If you are visiting with us for the first time, we want to welcome you! Please come and talk with anyone at one of our information desks and they will help ensure your children are properly registered and orientated. For July and August, children in Grades 1-6 are welcome to sit with their families in the worship service.
How can I be contacted if my kids need me during the service?
When you register your child(ren) you will be asked to confirm your cell phone number. Should you be needed to attend to your child, you will receive a text.
What about my teenagers?
During our worship services, teenagers are invited to join us!
It's what being part of a community is all about!
Am I expected to give money?
The simple answer is no. We see giving of resources (finances, time, talents) being for those individuals and families who call OEFC their church home. If you are visiting, please do not feel any obligation to help provide for the ministries at OEFC.
At any point you desire to, we would be grateful for your investment. While many people choose to give to our church regularly from their bank account or credit card, others put cheque or cash in an envelope when the offering plate is passed or in the donation box at the back of the Main Auditorium or Fireside Room.
You have a coffee bar?
We do! Regular and decaf coffee and tea is always complimentary, and it's good!
For $3 our baristas will make you the best specialty coffee in town! We use Level Ground coffee for our specialty coffees. Yup, that's Direct Fair Trade.
What time does your worship service start?
9:15am TRADITIONAL SERVICE in the Fireside Room
10:45am CONTEMPORARY SERVICE in the Main Auditorium
How can I get connected to the church community?
You can reach our church office via email (office@okotoksefc.ca) or phone (403-938-3311). Staff emails can be accessed under the "About" menu button. On Sunday mornings you can speak with one of our volunteers at the Information Desk near the front doors. They can help you find the information you are looking for. During the week, community happens best in our Growth Group ministry, where you can meet with 8-12 others to continue your spiritual growth. Our Ministry to Women offers places of connection for women.
What does Evangelical Free mean?
The term "evangelical" comes from the term "evangel" and refers to the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus is at the heart of our faith and life and we want to encounter Him, love Him and share the good news that He has come to set all people free from the prison of sin, shame, condemnation and death.
The term "free" has to do with how we organize ourselves. Years ago in Scandinavia, state and church were enmeshed. All citizens--regardless of what they believed--were considered to be members of the church. The Free Church started from a belief that a relationship with Jesus based on biblical truth is the proper basis for our faith and membership in a local church. The term "free" also highlights the freedom each local church has to govern itself. We are an interdependent association of churches that desire to live for and proclaim the name of Jesus.