Our desire is to encounter and embrace Jesus... Join us this Sunday at 28 Westland Road as we worship Him!
9:15am  - Traditional Worship in the Fireside Room
10:45am - Contemporary Worship in the Sanctuary

Nursery (0-36 months), Pre-School (ages 2-3 & 4-5),
and KIDS CONNECT (Grades 1-6) offered at 10:45am.
Watch our livestream HERE (YouTube)  or HERE (church website)

As a church family, we value humility, authenticity, engagement and expectancy. Come walk with us as we journey and grow together!


We look forward to seeing you at 28 Westland Road
for our weekly worship service! If you are unable to  meet with us
in person for any reason, here is a link to our current or past livestream!