
OEFC News for Dec 5-14

FAMILY FEUD Thanks to everyone for the great response to the survey for the OEFC Youth Christmas Party game!
Sunday, December 15
Christmas Cantata (both 9:15am and 10:45am services will be held in the Main Auditorium)
Sunday, December 22
  • NO nursery (room will be open for parents to stay with their child)
  • Pre-School (ages 2-3 and 4-5) and KIDS CONNECT (Gr 1-6) will take place as usual
Tuesday, December 24 - CHRISTMAS EVE
  • Christmas Eve services at 3:30pm and 5:30pm (no childcare at either service)
Sunday, December 29
  • NO nursery (room will be open for parents to stay with their child)
  • NO preschool or Gr 1-6 classes
STAFF GIFT This Christmas Season we have the opportunity to show our appreciation to our OEFC staff by blessing them with a monetary gift. If you would like to contribute, please place your gift of cash (no cheques) in an envelope marked Staff Appreciation Gift and put in the offering basket, drop it off at the church office during business hours, or give it to Janice Metcalf. The last day to contribute is December 22. The Finance and Property Committee will distribute your gifts to our staff members. Please note your gifts will not be eligible for a tax receipt. If you have any questions please contact Janice.
SCENTS-sibility Thank you for limiting your use of perfumes and other scented products at OEFC in recognition of those who are sensitive to chemicals in scented products. At OEFC, the balcony has an air purifier and is designated a "scent-free zone."
Thursday, December 5
9:30-11:30am COFFEE & CRAFTING for adults (drop-in format)
1-3pm GRIEFSHARE contact the church office to register ($20) - last session until January 10
7:30pm ROOTED for Young Adults (post-high school). Bring your sleds and warm clothes because we’re going sledding at Kingsmen Soccer Field! Meet at the parking lot at the end of McRae Street connected to the path beside the hill. We hope to see you there!
Friday, December 6
7-9:30pm YOUTH at OEFC (for details please check Facebook or Instagram (@oefcyouth) or call the Youth Hotline 403-938-8888).
Sunday, December 8
9:15am WORSHIP SERVICE (traditional) in the Fireside Room. Pastor Rob continues with the ADVENT series The Road To Christmas: Joy.
10:15am PRE-SERVICE PRAYER in the Prayer Room to the right of the platform (Main Auditorium)
10:45am WORSHIP SERVICE (contemporary) in the Main Auditorium. Pastor Rob continues with the ADVENT series The Road To Christmas: Joy. NURSERY (up to 36 months), PRE-SCHOOL (2-3 and 4-5 year olds), and CONNECT (Grades 1-6). Live-stream available HERE
3-4pm CHRISTMAS CANTATA practice
6:30-8:30pm GRADE 10-12 GIRLS BIBLE STUDY @ OEFC.

Tuesday, December 10
7:30pm ROOTED DEEPER Bible Study for Young Adults (post-high school) Studying Romans 14-16. We’d love for you to join us if you’ve come before or if you’re new! Feel free to bring any snacks you’d like to share!
Wednesday, December 11
Thursday, December 12
11:30am COFFEE & CRAFTING potluck lunch (last gathering until January 9)
7pm ROOTED for Young Adults (post-high school). We’re going out for dinner! Follow us on Instagram for details about the restaurant.
Friday, December 13
7-9:30pm YOUTH @ OEFC - Christmas Party (for details please check Facebook or Instagram (@oefcyouth) or call the Youth Hotline 403-938-8888).
OEFC Library News
You Can Pray Big Things picture book by Julia Jeffress Sadler You can pray big things and small things / And all the in-between things / The hard things, the happy things / Your hopes, wishes, and dreams.
SALVATION ARMY CHRISTMAS KETTLE CAMPAIGN from Dec 6 to 10 until Dec 24 at Okotoks locations. Last year, this campaign gave 489 families Christmas hampers and/or gift cards, 800 meals were served, and 3,000 individuals were assisted through their food bank! Click below to volunteer with the Kettle Campaign:
  • Walmart (Grocery Entrance)
  • Walmart (Main Entrance)
  • Save-On Foods
  • Costco
  • No Frills
  • Sobeys





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